Our projects
SaMMa – the voice/s of equality
The project “SaMMa – the voice/s of equality” aims to promote a culture…
Mahalla – Strengthening the Media Community in Uzbekistan
This programme is aimed at supporting regional independent media outlets across all…
ESU – Emergency Support to Civil Society and Media in Response to the Ukraine War
The project ESU is a 30 month project funded by the European Union which aims to…
Team Up! – Media for Adult Education
Team Up! is a cross-European project aimed at fostering adults’ digital and Media and…
Houqouq wa Moussawat حقوق ومساواة (Rights and Equality)
The project aims at fostering an effective implementation of Morocco’s legal framework…
Strengthening Community Radios
The ‘Strengthening Community Radios’ project is building a regional network of…
COVID-19: Civil Society Resilience and Sustainability
‘COVID-19: Civil Society Resilience and Sustainability’ works with civil society and…
Gender equalityCivil societyOtherMedia developmentMedia & information literacyHuman rights
Pride II / + Promoting Rights Inclusiveness Dignity and Equality for LGBTI in Albania and Kosovo (Phase 2)
PRIDE II builds and expands on the results of the EU-funded PRIDE I project (Feb 2018 –…
Civil Society Organisation Capacity Development (CSO CD)
The ‘Civil Society Organization Capacity Development’ project works with a wide range of…
Speak Up! Media for Inclusion
Speak Up! is a cross-European project aimed at integrating young, newly arrived migrants…
Moldova Against All Discrimination
Moldova Against All Discrimination aims to promote gender equality and fight…
BRYCA – Central Asia
BRYCA aims to promote critical thinking and to strengthen the resilience of youth to…
IN EDU – INclusive communities through Media literacy & Critical Thinking EDUcation
IN EDU is a 36-month project run by seven European partners based in Italy, Bulgaria,…
JAMIL.Net – Jeunesse Active Medias Inclusifs et Littératie Numérique
JAMIL.Net stands for Active Youth, Inclusive Media and Digital Media Literacy and aims to…
Strengthening Independent Media and Media Literacy in Moldova (SIMML III)
Since September 2018, SIMML III aims to strengthen Moldovan’s population’s resilience to…
Media developmentMedia & information literacyGender equality
Promoting media plurality, balance and media literacy in Central Asia
The ‘Promoting media plurality, balance and media literacy in Central Asia’ project aimed…
Pride I – Promoting Rights Inclusiveness Dignity and Equality for LGBTI in Albania
PRIDE I aimed to strengthen the role of grassroots civil society organisations’ (CSOs) in…
D-JIL “Digital Generation”
D-JIL aims to offer young citizens, from nine countries in the MENA region, the…
Empowering Youth to Become Civic Actors (EYCA)
Our Empowering Youth to become Civic Actors (EYCA) project aimed at increasing freedom of…
Freedom of Expression, Association and Assembly in Morocco (FEAAM)
The overall goal of the project is to foster the effective implementation of a legal…
Community information and active citizenship in the governorates of Tozeur and Kebili (TOKE)
The TOKE project developed community-based information and citizen mobilization in the…
Media & information literacyOtherFreedom of expressionMedia development
Mozambique Media Strengthening Programme: Community Radios
Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in Africa and the majority of the population…
Med Media: Towards media sector reform in the Southern Mediterranean region
The Med-Media project strengthened and promoted public service orientated media in the…
Success stories
ECHR Women Judgement Ukraine
ECHR Women Judgement Ukraine A first for Ukraine and women’s rights: a Ukrainian woman has won a domestic violence case in the European Court of…
Afef – JAMIL.Net
Afef – JAMIL.Net
From training youth on Media and Information Literacy to countering Fake News during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tunisia.